Sunday, March 9, 2014

#0112 Never be afraid of shadows, they are there to remind you there's light.

 I know, it's like final-fucking-ly I'm back here blogging. Guess I realise it's time for me to talk to myself again on this platform.

Life have been real hectic, I hardly got time to even breath for these few months. But on a brighter note, at least I'm always doing something helpful or meaningful, rather than wasting time away, hoping for someone to give me clues on what's next for me.

Life in the army will soon be over, but honestly, being able to get to my 'Operationally-ready Date', otherwise known as 'ORD', is over-rated. I mean, yes you get your freedom back, so does your stress and responsibility. I have been listening to some of my friends' advise to look and plan for what to do before I leave the force, and I guess most of your friends would had told you the same. True enough, it's kind of hard to plan for what you want when you need it. Though I have another ten more months to go, I guess it's only right to start thinking now.

I can't believe the fact that I'm turning twenty three this year September. Those time when I was only eighteen and thinking I'm still young as fuck was only like yesterday. We don't usually think about how life would really be in the future when we are still teenagers because we got have any clues. Now, all I can say about going in to the big world is, dreams are dreams, they ain't reality unless you want them to.

Was talking about how fragile life is a few days ago with some of my best bros from secondary school. It's kind of sucky that people grow old and die. And the funny thing is, we don't seems to be concern or be afraid that we will actually stop breathing, when we are young.

People are dying everywhere all the world all the time. I do wonder when is it going to be my turn.

Just some questions for the readers, if you have a choice to choose how old can you live till, what will be your choice?

Shit, I'm really getting old.

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